
Cinema Town Cinevilla

CinevillaThe cinema town of Cinevilla is located in the Tukums district on the outskirts of Slampe and features outdoor scenery. Its construction was started in May 2004. especially for the shooting of the historical film Guardians of Riga, which premiered on November 11, 2007.

On the territory of Kino town two whole cities were built – they are called “Big” and “Provincial”. Big city – represents Riga at the beginning of the 20th century, with objects and details characteristic of that time. Cobblestone pavement, a fragment of the city embankment of the Daugava River, several streets with facades of historic buildings, lace curtains in the windows, and signs in Old Latvian, Russian and German – “Pharmacy”, “Cigar bar”, “Fashion goods store” on the walls and linen ”,“ Beer ”,“ Colonial goods ”. In the Provincial town or Pardaugava (Zadvinie) there are facades of wooden houses, a fire station, a church, a small market square, factory gates, a warehouse, an inn. For tourists in the town, various excursions are offered, accompanied by a guide on the history of the town and filming, tours in costumes – in the form of soldiers of the Latvian army and the German army, the uniform of English sailors, nurses or in historical costumes of the townspeople. In the same costumes you can take a picture.

Kino Gorodok has its own Arsenal – a museum of military history where you can see military equipment, uniforms and weapons from the Second World War. In the fake building of the post office opened the Postal Museum and a real post office. In the premises of the market there is a photo salon where everyone can get their portrait in a historical costume or uniform, made in the style of old photography. But no wonder Cinevilla is a movie town. Here you can make your own movie. To do this, you will be provided with sets, costumes, props, film equipment and the services of professionals – a director, operator, costume designer.

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